Hailey the Horse Whisperer

First time working with a horse during a shoot. Hailey rocked it on the side of the highway. We loved it!!!

Here is her story with her horse. Enjoy. 

The horse in the pictures, Colby, is pretty special. Hailey's aunt had a boyfriend that was a young bronco rider from Hayesville and he and his friend died from carbon monoxide poisoning in an RV while away at a rodeo. His brother gave her aunt his horse. Hailey's granddad has kept him for years even though he doesn't like quarter horses (only Tennessee Walkers) because Colby is so special. Hailey fell in love with him and claimed him as her own. The rest is history.

New Life, New Love

You never know what is going to happen during a newborn shoot. Let me tell you. Spit up, blow outs, unending crying and refusal to be comforted, nursing, changing and changing again. Not yesterday. This little angel slept the entire time. Once, only once did she open her eyes for a second. The unexpected happened. What a dream.

More baby shoots. More new families. More love. More of this.